Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Beginning

For a long time now, I have played around with the idea of starting a blog. But, I always came to the same conclusion...why? Why should I write a blog? Who's going to read it? What would I write about? Would it even be interesting? Basically, I lacked a solid purpose for blogging. Well, now I have found it! In less than three days, my family and I will step on a plane holding one way tickets for the place that we will call home for at least the next two years, Taiwan. We will be moving from Los Angeles, CA which is approximately 120º longitude to Taichung, Taiwan which is also approximately 120º longitude (give or take a little, but it makes for a nifty blog name). As our time here in Cali is quickly coming to an end, our hearts are heavy with having to say goodbye to our family and friends. But, we are thankful for God's goodness to us in blessing us with so many special relationships that are irreplaceable. Many of you have expressed an interest in keeping up with our family's adventures over the next two years and hopefully this blog will provide you with at least a glimpse of our experiences. I would like to think of myself as a very faithful blogger, however the reality is that updates probably won't happen as frequently as I would like. If it has been a while since you have heard from me, don't hesitate to leave a kind comment inquiring as to my whereabouts!:) And if there is anything you would like to know specifically about our crazy adventure just ask! There are so many thoughts rolling around in my head that I'm having a hard time deciding what to write about first. Thank you to those of you who are praying for us!!! We covet your prayers as we begin this journey of faith. It is a huge blessing to us when you take a few moments out of your day and bring our family before the Lord! Until next time...


  1. What an exciting time Megan! I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventures! We'll be praying for you guys! What will you guys be doing in Taiwan?

  2. We will miss having you here! It has been a joy to get to know you and your sweet family! Looking forward to hearing about your new adventures! much love , cj

  3. No way! I didn't know you were moving! We just moved to Spain!! Excited to follow along with your journey of getting adjusted to a new country and culture. Patience and flexibility and more patience are going to be your new best friends those first few days and weeks!!
