Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Catch up!

Well, I've done a terrible job all ready of keeping this blog updated. In my defense I do have a couple of excuses which I will try and elaborate on in this post.:) In summary, since we landed here three weeks ago, we have had three ER visits, one hospital stay, one other doctor visit, our container arrived, and Garett started work. And throughout it all, we haven't had any internet. Alright, enough with the excuses....I will however try and elaborate a little on our experience so far and try and bring you all up to date. That way I can hopefully be a little more faithful to this blog in the future and not feel as though I am always playing catch up!

The morning that we were going to be headed down to Taichung to move into our apartment, Eli and Rhys were "wrestling" and Rhys lost as he was thrown into a coffee table and split his eye open. A couple of hours in two separate ER's and some superglue later we were headed to Taichung. That evening, after checking out our new home, we were out to dinner with some friends and Rhys threw up. And then he did again many times throughout the night. By Saturday morning I was sick too so Garett thought he would take the girls back to Taipei to visit his family and hopefully stay well! Upon arrival Peyton got sick and after not being able to stop she was admitted to the hospital and given an IV. She was in the hospital for two days during which Eli stayed with her cousins and played to her hearts content. I think she thought she had died and gone to heaven!

By Monday, our family was finally back together and by Wednesday it seemed like we might all be on the mend. Our 20 ft container arrived on Friday and with the help of a huge group of very generous people it was completely unloaded and in our apartment (on the 6th floor) in 1 hour and 22 minutes. That night we slept in our own beds! What a blessing!!

It is now Tuesday, August 9th and this afternoon we had to take Rhys and Peyton to the doctor for ear infections. They are both on antibiotics and will hopefully be feeling better soon! Although the past few weeks have been difficult, we have felt very blessed and cared for!! The body of Christ here has wrapped their arms around us and bent over backwards to tend to our every possible need! In the almost two weeks we have been here in Taichung, I don't think I have had to cook dinner once. Someone is always there asking what they can do for us or taking us places we need to go. We are also very thankful for all of you who have been praying for us! The Lord has provided us with great encouragement through your prayers!

Well, unfortunately I feel as though this post was all business. I would have liked to have dedicated a post to each of the significant events that we have experienced so far on this journey. But, in an effort to encourage myself to stay at it I thought it wise to do a general catch up post. I will try and expand a little more on our journey to Taiwan and how the Lord brought us here in a future post. There are also some fun "only in Taiwan" experiences to share with you at a later date! The picture up above is a view from our apartment at night. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Meg, I am so glad you are doing this blog, I think it's GREAT!! Love you and praying for you. Keep the pics coming
